Title: | Analysis of Antimicrobial Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Data |
Description: | Analyse, plot, and tabulate antimicrobial minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) data. Validate the results of an MIC experiment by comparing observed MIC values to a gold standard assay, in line with standards from the International Organization for Standardization (2021) <https://www.iso.org/standard/79377.html>. Perform MIC prediction from whole genome sequence data stored in the Pathosystems Resource Integration Center (2013) <doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1099> database or locally. |
Authors: | Alessandro Gerada [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: | Alessandro Gerada <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-02-11 16:36:31 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/agerada/mic |
Calculate the bias between two AMR::mic vectors. The bias is calculated as the percentage of test MICs that are above the gold standard MICs minus the percentage of test MICs that are below the gold standard MICs.
bias(gold_standard, test)
bias(gold_standard, test)
gold_standard |
AMR::mic vector |
test |
AMR::mic vector |
numeric value
International Organization for Standardization. ISO 20776-2:2021 Available from: https://www.iso.org/standard/79377.html
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") bias(gold_standard, test)
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") bias(gold_standard, test)
Removes leading "=" which can sometimes be present in raw MIC results. Also converts co-trimoxazole to trimethprim component only.
mic |
character containing MIC/s |
character of clean MIC/s
This function reorganises files that have been split into train and test directories using train_test_filesystem() back into a single directory. This is a convenience function to reverse the effects of train_test_filesystem().
combined_file_system( path_to_folders, file_ext, train_folder = "train", test_folder = "test", overwrite = FALSE )
combined_file_system( path_to_folders, file_ext, train_folder = "train", test_folder = "test", overwrite = FALSE )
path_to_folders |
path containing test and train folders; files will be moved here |
file_ext |
file extension to filter |
train_folder |
train folder subdirectory name |
test_folder |
test folder subdirectory name |
overwrite |
force overwrite of files that already exist |
Logical vector, indicated success or failure for each file
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- train_test_filesystem(tmp_dir, file_ext = "fna", split = 0.8, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) # combine files back into a single directory combined_file_system(tmp_dir, "fna") list.files(tmp_dir)
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- train_test_filesystem(tmp_dir, file_ext = "fna", split = 0.8, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) # combine files back into a single directory combined_file_system(tmp_dir, "fna") list.files(tmp_dir)
This function compares an vector of MIC values to another. Generally, this is in the context of a validation experiment – an investigational assay or method (the "test") is compared to a gold standard. The rules used by this function are in line with "ISO 20776-2:2021 Part 2: Evaluation of performance of antimicrobial susceptibility test devices against reference broth micro-dilution."
There are two levels of detail that are provided. If only the MIC values are provided, the function will look for essential agreement between the two sets of MIC. If the organism and antibiotic arguments are provided, the function will also calculate the categorical agreement using EUCAST breakpoints (or, if breakpoint not available and accept_ecoff = TRUE, ECOFFs).
The function returns a special dataframe of results, which is also an mic_validation object. This object can be summarised using summary() for summary metrics, plotted using plot() for an essential agreement confusion matrix, and tabulated using table().
compare_mic( gold_standard, test, ab = NULL, mo = NULL, accept_ecoff = FALSE, simplify = TRUE )
compare_mic( gold_standard, test, ab = NULL, mo = NULL, accept_ecoff = FALSE, simplify = TRUE )
gold_standard |
vector of MICs to compare against. |
test |
vector of MICs that are under investigation |
ab |
character vector (same length as MIC) of antibiotic names (optional) |
mo |
character vector (same length as MIC) of microorganism names (optional) |
accept_ecoff |
if TRUE, ECOFFs will be used when no clinical breakpoints are available |
simplify |
if TRUE, MIC values will be coerced into the closest halving dilution (e.g., 0.55 will be converted to 0.5) |
S3 mic_validation object
# Just using MIC values only gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) summary(val) # Using MIC values and antibiotic and organism names gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") ab <- c("AMK", "AMK", "AMK", "AMK") mo <- c("B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) "error" %in% names(val) # val now has categorical agreement
# Just using MIC values only gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) summary(val) # Using MIC values and antibiotic and organism names gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") ab <- c("AMK", "AMK", "AMK", "AMK") mo <- c("B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) "error" %in% names(val) # val now has categorical agreement
Compare two AMR::sir vectors and generate a categorical agreement vector with the following levels: M (major error), vM (very major error), m (minor error). The error definitions are:
Major error (M): The test result is resistant (R) when the gold standard is susceptible (S).
vM (very major error): The test result is susceptible (S) when the gold standard is resistant (R).
Minor error (m): The test result is intermediate (I) when the gold standard is susceptible (S) or resistant (R), or vice versa.
compare_sir(gold_standard, test)
compare_sir(gold_standard, test)
gold_standard |
Susceptibility results in AMR::sir format |
test |
Susceptibility results in AMR::sir format |
factor vector with the following levels: M, vM, m.
gold_standard <- c("S", "R", "I", "I") gold_standard <- AMR::as.sir(gold_standard) test <- c("S", "I", "R", "R") test <- AMR::as.sir(test) compare_sir(gold_standard, test)
gold_standard <- c("S", "R", "I", "I") gold_standard <- AMR::as.sir(gold_standard) test <- c("S", "I", "R", "R") test <- AMR::as.sir(test) compare_sir(gold_standard, test)
Download PATRIC database
download_patric_db(save_path, ftp_path = patric_ftp_path, overwrite = FALSE)
download_patric_db(save_path, ftp_path = patric_ftp_path, overwrite = FALSE)
save_path |
Save path (should be .txt) |
ftp_path |
PATRIC database FTP path to download |
overwrite |
Force overwrite |
TRUE if successful, FALSE if failure.
A dataset containing the epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFFs) for different antibiotics and microorganisms. Currently, only the ECOFF values for Escherichia coli are included.
A data frame with 85 rows and 25 columns:
Microorganism code in AMR::mo format
Antibiotic code in AMR::ab format
Counts of isolates in each concentration "bin"
see EUCAST documentation below
Number of observations
see EUCAST documentation below
Confidence interval
see EUCAST documentation below
EUCAST https://www.eucast.org/mic_and_zone_distributions_and_ecoffs
These data have (or this document, presentation or video has) been produced in part under ECDC service contracts and made available by EUCAST at no cost to the user and can be accessed on the EUCAST website www.eucast.org. The views and opinions expressed are those of EUCAST at a given point in time. EUCAST recommendations are frequently updated and the latest versions are available at www.eucast.org.
Essential agreement calculation for comparing two MIC vectors.
essential_agreement(x, y, coerce_mic = TRUE, mode = "categorical")
essential_agreement(x, y, coerce_mic = TRUE, mode = "categorical")
x |
AMR::mic or coercible |
y |
AMR::mic or coercible |
coerce_mic |
convert to AMR::mic |
mode |
Categorical or numeric |
Essential agreement is a central concept in the comparison of two sets of MIC values. It is most often used when validating a new method against a gold standard. This function reliably performs essential agreement in line with ISO 20776-2:2021. The function can be used in two modes: categorical and numeric. In categorical mode, the function will use traditional MIC concentrations to determine the MIC (therefore it will use force_mic() to convert both x and y to a clean MIC – see ?force_mic()). In numeric mode, the function will compare the ratio of the two MICs. In most cases, categorical mode provides more reliable results. Values within +/- 2 dilutions are considered to be in essential agreement.
logical vector
International Organization for Standardization. ISO 20776-2:2021 Available from: https://www.iso.org/standard/79377.html
x <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64")) y <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64")) essential_agreement(x, y) # TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE
x <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64")) y <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64")) essential_agreement(x, y) # TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE
Example minimum inhibitory concentration validation data for three antimicrobials on Escherichia coli strains. This data is synthetic and generated to give an example of different MIC distribution.
A data frame with 300 rows and 4 columns:
Gold standard MICs
Test MICs
Microorganism code in AMR::mo format
Antibiotic code in AMR::ab format
Synthetic data
Fill MIC dilution levels
fill_dilution_levels(x, cap_upper = TRUE, cap_lower = TRUE, as.mic = TRUE)
fill_dilution_levels(x, cap_upper = TRUE, cap_lower = TRUE, as.mic = TRUE)
x |
MIC vector |
cap_upper |
If True, will the top level will be the highest MIC dilution in x |
cap_lower |
If True, will the bottom level will be the lowest MIC dilution in x |
as.mic |
By default, returns an ordered factor. Set as.mic = TRUE to return as AMR::mic |
ordered factor (or AMR::mic if as.mic = TRUE)
# use in combination with droplevels to clean up levels: x <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64")) x <- droplevels(x) fill_dilution_levels(x)
# use in combination with droplevels to clean up levels: x <- AMR::as.mic(c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64")) x <- droplevels(x) fill_dilution_levels(x)
Convert a value that is "almost" an MIC into a valid MIC value.
force_mic( value, levels_from_AMR = FALSE, max_conc = 512, min_conc = 0.002, method = "closest", prefer = "max" )
force_mic( value, levels_from_AMR = FALSE, max_conc = 512, min_conc = 0.002, method = "closest", prefer = "max" )
value |
vector of MIC-like values (numeric or character) |
levels_from_AMR |
conform to AMR::as.mic levels |
max_conc |
maximum concentration to force to |
min_conc |
minimum concentration to force to |
method |
method to use when forcing MICs (closest or round_up) |
prefer |
where value is in between MIC (e.g., 24mg/L) chose the higher MIC ("max") or lower MIC ("min"); only applies to method = "closest" |
Some experimental or analytical conditions measure MIC (or surrogate) in a way that does not fully conform to traditional MIC levels (i.e., concentrations). This function allows these values to be coerced into an MIC value that is compatible with the AMR::mic class. When using method = "closest", the function will choose the closest MIC value to the input value (e.g., 2.45 will be coerced to 2). When using method = "round up", the function will round up to the next highest MIC value (e.g., 2.45 will be coerced to 4). "Round up" is technically the correct approach if the input value was generated from an experiment that censored between concentrations (e.g., broth or agar dilution). However, "closest" may be more appropriate in some cases.
AMR::as.mic compatible character
force_mic(c("2.32", "<4.12", ">1.01"))
force_mic(c("2.32", "<4.12", ">1.01"))
This function converts a single genome to a libsvm file containing kmer counts. The libsvm format will be as follows:
label 1:count 2:count 3:count ...
Label is optional and defaults to 0. The kmer counts are indexed by the kmer index, which is the lexicographically sorted index of the kmer. Libsvm is a sparse format.
genome_to_libsvm( x, target_path, label = as.character(c("0")), k = 3L, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE )
genome_to_libsvm( x, target_path, label = as.character(c("0")), k = 3L, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE )
x |
genome in string format |
target_path |
path to store libsvm file (.txt) |
label |
libsvm label |
k |
kmer length |
canonical |
only record canonical kmers (i.e., the lexicographically smaller of a kmer and its reverse complement) |
squeeze |
remove non-canonical kmers |
boolean indicating success
For multiple genomes in a directory, processed in parallel, see genomes_to_kmer_libsvm()
For more details on libsvm format, see https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/input_format.html
temp_libsvm_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") genome_to_libsvm("ATCGCAGT", temp_libsvm_path) readLines(temp_libsvm_path)
temp_libsvm_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") genome_to_libsvm("ATCGCAGT", temp_libsvm_path) readLines(temp_libsvm_path)
Raw genome data (pre- or post-assembly) is usually transformed by k-mer counting prior to machine learning (ML). XGBoost is a popular ML algorithm for this problem, due to its scalability to high dimensional data. This function converts genomes to k-mer counts stored in XGBoost's preferred format, libsvm. Further information on the libsvm format is available at https://xgboost.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/input_format.html. Briefly, libsvm is effectively a text file that stores data points as x:y pairs, where x is the feature index, and y is the feature value. Each observation is stored on its own line, with the first column reserved for labels. Labels can be provided later, during data import.
This function converts each individual genome to an individual libsvm
text file of k-mer counts (therefore, each .txt file will be 1 line long).
This function supports parallel processing using the by setting an appropriate
(usually future::multisession
) —
each genome is processed in parallel. To monitor progress, use the
package by wrapping the function in
Although XGBoost can load a multiple .txt (libsvm) files by providing the
directory as an input, this is generally not recommended as order of
import cannot be guaranteed and probably depends on filesystem. Instead,
it is recommended that this function is combined with
which generates a single .txt file (with the
order of observations guaranteed and stored in a .csv file).
genomes_to_kmer_libsvm( source_dir, target_dir, k = 3, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE, ext = ".fna" )
genomes_to_kmer_libsvm( source_dir, target_dir, k = 3, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE, ext = ".fna" )
source_dir |
directory containing genomes |
target_dir |
target directory to store kmers in libsvm format |
k |
k-mer length |
canonical |
only count canonical kmers |
squeeze |
remove non-canonical kmers |
ext |
file extension to filter |
TRUE if successful
to convert a single genome, use genome_to_libsvm()
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } tmp_target_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, "kmers") unlink(tmp_target_dir, recursive = TRUE) # convert genomes to k-mers future::plan(future::sequential) # use multisession for parallel processing progressr::with_progress( genomes_to_kmer_libsvm(tmp_dir, tmp_target_dir, k = 3) ) # check the output list.files(tmp_target_dir) readLines(list.files(tmp_target_dir, full.names = TRUE)[1])
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } tmp_target_dir <- file.path(tmp_dir, "kmers") unlink(tmp_target_dir, recursive = TRUE) # convert genomes to k-mers future::plan(future::sequential) # use multisession for parallel processing progressr::with_progress( genomes_to_kmer_libsvm(tmp_dir, tmp_target_dir, k = 3) ) # check the output list.files(tmp_target_dir) readLines(list.files(tmp_target_dir, full.names = TRUE)[1])
This function helps extract MICs from a database of results. It is compatible with the PATRIC meta data format when used on a tidy_patric_db object, created using tidy_patric_db().
If more than one MIC is present for a particular observation, the function can return the higher MIC by setting prefer_high_mic = TRUE. If prefer_high_mic = FALSE, the lower MIC will be returned.
get_mic( x, ids, ab_col, id_col = NULL, as_mic = TRUE, prefer_high_mic = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )
get_mic( x, ids, ab_col, id_col = NULL, as_mic = TRUE, prefer_high_mic = TRUE, simplify = TRUE )
x |
dataframe containing meta-data |
ids |
vector of IDs to get meta-data for |
ab_col |
column name containing MIC results |
id_col |
column name containing IDs |
as_mic |
return as AMR::as.mic |
prefer_high_mic |
where multiple MIC results per ID, prefer the higher MIC |
simplify |
return as vector of MICs (vs dataframe) |
vector containing MICs, or dataframe of IDs and MICs
df <- data.frame(genome_id = c("a_12", "b_42", "x_21", "x_21", "r_75"), gentamicin = c(0.25, 0.125, 32.0, 16.0, "<0.0125")) get_mic(df, ids = c("b_42", "x_21"), ab_col = "gentamicin", id_col = "genome_id", as_mic = FALSE, prefer_high_mic = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(genome_id = c("a_12", "b_42", "x_21", "x_21", "r_75"), gentamicin = c(0.25, 0.125, 32.0, 16.0, "<0.0125")) get_mic(df, ids = c("b_42", "x_21"), ab_col = "gentamicin", id_col = "genome_id", as_mic = FALSE, prefer_high_mic = TRUE, simplify = TRUE)
Generates genome kmers
kmers( x, k = 3L, simplify = FALSE, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE, anchor = TRUE, clean_up = TRUE, key_as_int = FALSE, starting_index = 1L )
kmers( x, k = 3L, simplify = FALSE, canonical = TRUE, squeeze = FALSE, anchor = TRUE, clean_up = TRUE, key_as_int = FALSE, starting_index = 1L )
x |
genome in string format |
k |
kmer length |
simplify |
returns a numeric vector of kmer counts, without associated string. This is useful to save memory, but should always be used with anchor = true. |
canonical |
only record canonical kmers (i.e., the lexicographically smaller of a kmer and its reverse complement) |
squeeze |
remove non-canonical kmers |
anchor |
includes unobserved kmers (with counts of 0). This is useful when generating a dense matrix where kmers of different genomes align. |
clean_up |
only include valid bases (ACTG) in kmer counts (excludes non-coding results such as N) |
key_as_int |
return kmer index (as "kmer_index") rather than the full kmer string. Useful for index-coded data structures such as libsvm. |
starting_index |
the starting index, only used if key_as_int = TRUE. |
list of kmer values, either as a list of a single vector (if simplify = TRUE), or as a named list containing "kmer_string" and "kmer_value".
Load PATRIC database
load_patric_db(x = patric_ftp_path)
load_patric_db(x = patric_ftp_path)
x |
Character path to local or ftp path (.txt or .rds), or data.frame object. |
PATRIC database (S3 class 'patric_db')
patric_db <- load_patric_db() # will get from PATRIC ftp # make data.frame with single row p <- data.frame(genome_id = 1, genome_name = "E. coli", antibiotic = "amoxicillin", measurement = 2.0, measurement_unit = "mg/L", laboratory_typing_method = "Agar dilution", resistant_phenotype = "R") load_patric_db(p)
patric_db <- load_patric_db() # will get from PATRIC ftp # make data.frame with single row p <- data.frame(genome_id = 1, genome_name = "E. coli", antibiotic = "amoxicillin", measurement = 2.0, measurement_unit = "mg/L", laboratory_typing_method = "Agar dilution", resistant_phenotype = "R") load_patric_db(p)
MIC datasets often arise from different laboratories or experimental conditions. In practice, this means that there can be different levels of censoring (<= and >) within the data. This function can be used to harmonise the dataset to a single level of censoring. The function requires a set of rules that specify the censoring levels (see example).
mic_censor(mic, ab, mo, rules)
mic_censor(mic, ab, mo, rules)
mic |
MIC (coercible to AMR::as.mic) |
ab |
antibiotic name (coercible to AMR::as.ab) |
mo |
microorganism name (coercible to AMR::as.mo) |
rules |
censor rules - named list of pathogen (in AMR::as.mo code) to antibiotic (in AMR::as.ab code) to censoring rules. The censoring rules should provide a min or max value to censor MICs to. See example for more. |
censored MIC values (S3 mic class)
example_rules <- list("B_ESCHR_COLI" = list( "AMK" = list(min = 2, max = 32), "CHL" = list(min = 4, max = 64), "GEN" = list(min = 1, max = 16), "CIP" = list(min = 0.015, max = 4), "MEM" = list(min = 0.016, max = 16), "AMX" = list(min = 2, max = 64), "AMC" = list(min = 2, max = 64), "FEP" = list(min = 0.5, max = 64), "CAZ" = list(min = 1, max = 128), "TGC" = list(min = 0.25, max = 1) )) mic_censor(AMR::as.mic(512), "AMK", "B_ESCHR_COLI", example_rules) == AMR::as.mic(">32")
example_rules <- list("B_ESCHR_COLI" = list( "AMK" = list(min = 2, max = 32), "CHL" = list(min = 4, max = 64), "GEN" = list(min = 1, max = 16), "CIP" = list(min = 0.015, max = 4), "MEM" = list(min = 0.016, max = 16), "AMX" = list(min = 2, max = 64), "AMC" = list(min = 2, max = 64), "FEP" = list(min = 0.5, max = 64), "CAZ" = list(min = 1, max = 128), "TGC" = list(min = 0.25, max = 1) )) mic_censor(AMR::as.mic(512), "AMK", "B_ESCHR_COLI", example_rules) == AMR::as.mic(">32")
R breakpoint for MIC
mic_r_breakpoint(mo, ab, accept_ecoff = FALSE, ...)
mic_r_breakpoint(mo, ab, accept_ecoff = FALSE, ...)
mo |
mo name (coerced using AMR::as.mo) |
ab |
ab name (coerced using AMR::as.ab) |
accept_ecoff |
if TRUE, ECOFFs will be used when no clinical breakpoints are available |
... |
additional arguments to pass to AMR::as.sir, which is used to calculate the R breakpoint |
MIC value
mic_r_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "AMK") mic_r_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "CHL", accept_ecoff = TRUE)
mic_r_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "AMK") mic_r_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "CHL", accept_ecoff = TRUE)
Generate dilution series
mic_range(start = 512, dilutions = Inf, min = 0.002, precise = FALSE)
mic_range(start = 512, dilutions = Inf, min = 0.002, precise = FALSE)
start |
starting (highest) concentration |
dilutions |
number of dilutions |
min |
minimum (lowest) concentration |
precise |
force range to be high precision (not usually desired behaviour) |
Vector of numeric concentrations
mic_range(128) mic_range(128, dilutions = 21) # same results
mic_range(128) mic_range(128, dilutions = 21) # same results
S breakpoint for MIC
mic_s_breakpoint(mo, ab, accept_ecoff = FALSE, ...)
mic_s_breakpoint(mo, ab, accept_ecoff = FALSE, ...)
mo |
mo name (coerced using AMR::as.mo) |
ab |
ab name (coerced using AMR::as.ab) |
accept_ecoff |
if TRUE, ECOFFs will be used when no clinical breakpoints are available |
... |
additional arguments to pass to AMR::as.sir, which is used to calculate the S breakpoint |
MIC value
mic_s_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "AMK") mic_s_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "CHL", accept_ecoff = TRUE)
mic_s_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "AMK") mic_s_breakpoint("B_ESCHR_COLI", "CHL", accept_ecoff = TRUE)
Uncensor MICs
mic_uncensor( mic, method = "scale", scale = 2, ab = NULL, mo = NULL, distros = NULL )
mic_uncensor( mic, method = "scale", scale = 2, ab = NULL, mo = NULL, distros = NULL )
mic |
vector of MICs to uncensor; will be coerced to MIC using AMR::as.mic |
method |
method to uncensor MICs (scale, simple, or bootstrap) |
scale |
scalar to multiply or divide MIC by (for method = scale) |
ab |
antibiotic name (for method = bootstrap) |
mo |
microorganism name (for method = bootstrap) |
distros |
dataframe of epidemiological distributions (only used, optionally, for method = bootstrap) |
Censored MIC data is generally unsuitable for modelling without some conversion of censored data. The default behaviour (method = scale) is to halve MICs under the limit of detection (<=) and double MICs above the limit of detection (>). When used with method = simple, this function effectively just removes the censoring symbols, e.g., <=2 becomes 2, and >64 becomes 64.
The bootstrap method is the more complex of the three available methods. It attempts to use a second (uncensored) MIC distribution to sample values in the censored range. These values are then used to populate and uncensor the MIC data provided as input (mic). The second (uncensored) MIC distribution is ideally provided from similar experimental conditions. Alternatively, epidemiological distributions can be used. These distributions should be provided as a dataframe to the distros argument. The format for this dataframe is inspired by the EUCAST epidemiological distributions, see: https://www.eucast.org/mic_and_zone_distributions_and_ecoffs. The dataframe should contain columns for antimicrobial (converted using AMR::as.ab), organism (converted using AMR::as.mo), and MIC concentrations. An example is provided in the 'ecoffs' dataset available with this pacakge. Currently, only Escherichia coli is available in this dataset. Each observation (row) consists of the frequency a particular MIC concentration is observed in the distribution. If such a dataframe is not provided to distros, the function will attempt to use 'ecoffs', but remains limited to E. coli.
vector of MICs in AMR::mic format
mic_uncensor(c(">64.0", "<0.25", "8.0"), method = "scale", scale = 2)
mic_uncensor(c(">64.0", "<0.25", "8.0"), method = "scale", scale = 2)
This is simply a wrapper around file.copy/file.rename that allows for filtering by a logical vector (move_which). This can replicate the behaviour of a predicate function (see example), and may be easier to read.
move_files(source_dir, target_dir, move_which, ext = ".txt", copy = FALSE)
move_files(source_dir, target_dir, move_which, ext = ".txt", copy = FALSE)
source_dir |
move from directory |
target_dir |
move to directory |
move_which |
logical vector to filter (or use TRUE to move all) |
ext |
file extension to filter |
copy |
copy files (rather than move) |
Logical vector, indicating success or failure for each file
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # move files with even numbers to a new directory new_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "even_files") unlink(new_dir, recursive = TRUE) move_files(tmp_dir, new_dir, move_which = as.integer( tools::file_path_sans_ext( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna"))) %% 2 == 0, ext = "fna") list.files(new_dir)
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # move files with even numbers to a new directory new_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "even_files") unlink(new_dir, recursive = TRUE) move_files(tmp_dir, new_dir, move_which = as.integer( tools::file_path_sans_ext( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna"))) %% 2 == 0, ext = "fna") list.files(new_dir)
Plot MIC validation results
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' plot( x, match_axes = TRUE, add_missing_dilutions = TRUE, facet_wrap_ncol = NULL, facet_wrap_nrow = NULL, ... )
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' plot( x, match_axes = TRUE, add_missing_dilutions = TRUE, facet_wrap_ncol = NULL, facet_wrap_nrow = NULL, ... )
x |
object generated using compare_mic |
match_axes |
Same x and y axis |
add_missing_dilutions |
Axes will include dilutions that are not |
facet_wrap_ncol |
Facet wrap into n columns by antimicrobial (optional, only available when more than one antimicrobial in validation) |
facet_wrap_nrow |
Facet wrap into n rows by antimicrobial (optional, only available when more than one antimicrobial in validation) represented in the data, based on a series of dilutions generated using mic_range(). |
... |
additional arguments |
ggplot object
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) plot(val) # works with validation that includes categorical agreement # categorical agreement is ignored ab <- c("AMK", "AMK", "AMK", "AMK") mo <- c("B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) plot(val) # if the validation contains multiple antibiotics, i.e., ab <- c("CIP", "CIP", "AMK", "AMK") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) # the following will plot all antibiotics in a single plot (pooled results) plot(val) # use the faceting arguments to split the plot by antibiotic plot(val, facet_wrap_ncol = 2)
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) plot(val) # works with validation that includes categorical agreement # categorical agreement is ignored ab <- c("AMK", "AMK", "AMK", "AMK") mo <- c("B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI", "B_ESCHR_COLI") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) plot(val) # if the validation contains multiple antibiotics, i.e., ab <- c("CIP", "CIP", "AMK", "AMK") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test, ab, mo) # the following will plot all antibiotics in a single plot (pooled results) plot(val) # use the faceting arguments to split the plot by antibiotic plot(val, facet_wrap_ncol = 2)
Print MIC validation object
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' print(x, ...)
x |
mic_validation object |
... |
additional arguments |
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) print(val)
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) print(val)
Print MIC validation summary
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation_summary' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation_summary' print(x, ...)
x |
mic_validation_summary object |
... |
additional arguments |
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) print(summary(val))
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) print(summary(val))
Automated download of genomes from PATRIC database
pull_PATRIC_genomes( output_directory, taxonomic_name = NULL, database = patric_ftp_path, filter = "MIC", n_genomes = 0 )
pull_PATRIC_genomes( output_directory, taxonomic_name = NULL, database = patric_ftp_path, filter = "MIC", n_genomes = 0 )
output_directory |
local directory to save to |
taxonomic_name |
character of taxonomic bacterial name to download |
database |
local or ftp path to PATRIC database, or loaded database using load_patric_db() |
filter |
"MIC" or "disk" or "all" phenotypes |
n_genomes |
number of genomes (0 = all) |
The number of failed downloads (i.e., 0 if all attempted downloads were successful).
pull_PATRIC_genomes(tempdir(), taxonomic_name = "Escherichia coli", filter = "MIC", n_genomes = 10)
pull_PATRIC_genomes(tempdir(), taxonomic_name = "Escherichia coli", filter = "MIC", n_genomes = 10)
Check whether MIC values are within acceptable range for quality control (QC). Every MIC experiment should include a control strain with a known MIC. The results of the experiment are only valid if the control strain MIC falls within the acceptable range. This function checks whether an MIC result is within the acceptable range given: 1) a control strain (usually identified as an ATCC or NCTC number), 2) an antibiotic name, and 3) a guideline (EUCAST or CLSI). The acceptable range is defined by 'QC_table', which is a dataset which is loaded with this package.
The source of the QC values is the WHONET QC Ranges and Targets available from the 'Antimicrobial Resistance Test Interpretation Engine' (AMRIE) repository: https://github.com/AClark-WHONET/AMRIE
qc_in_range( measurement, strain, ab, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023" )
qc_in_range( measurement, strain, ab, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023" )
measurement |
measured QC MIC |
strain |
control strain identifier (usually ATCC) |
ab |
antibiotic name (will be coerced to AMR::as.ab) |
ignore_na |
ignores NA (returns TRUE) |
guideline |
Guideline to use (EUCAST or CLSI) |
year |
Guideline year (version) |
logical vector
O’Brien TF, Stelling JM. WHONET: An Information System for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance. Emerg Infect Dis. 1995 Jun;1(2):66–66.
qc_in_range(AMR::as.mic(0.5), 25922, "GEN") == TRUE qc_in_range(AMR::as.mic(8.0), 25922, "GEN") == FALSE
qc_in_range(AMR::as.mic(0.5), 25922, "GEN") == TRUE qc_in_range(AMR::as.mic(8.0), 25922, "GEN") == FALSE
MIC experiments should include a control strain with a known MIC. The MIC result for the control strain should be a particular target MIC. This function checks whether the target MIC was achieved given: 1) a control strain (usually identified as an ATCC or NCTC number), 2) an antibiotic name, and 3) a guideline (EUCAST or CLSI).
Since QC target values are currently not publicly available in an easy to use format, this function takes a pragmatic approach – for most antibiotics and QC strains, the target is assumed to be the midpoint of the acceptable range. This approximation is not necessarily equal to the QC target reported by guideline setting bodies such as EUCAST. Therefore, this function is considered experimental and should be used with caution.
This function can be used alongnside qc_in_range(), which checks whether the MIC is within the acceptable range.
The source of the QC values is the WHONET QC Ranges and Targets available from the 'Antimicrobial Resistance Test Interpretation Engine' (AMRIE) repository: https://github.com/AClark-WHONET/AMRIE
qc_on_target( measurement, strain, ab, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023" )
qc_on_target( measurement, strain, ab, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023" )
measurement |
measured QC MIC |
strain |
control strain identifier (usually ATCC) |
ab |
antibiotic name (will be coerced to AMR::as.ab) |
ignore_na |
ignores NA (returns TRUE) |
guideline |
Guideline to use (EUCAST or CLSI) |
year |
Guideline year (version) |
logical vector
O’Brien TF, Stelling JM. WHONET: An Information System for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance. Emerg Infect Dis. 1995 Jun;1(2):66–66.
qc_on_target(AMR::as.mic(0.5), 25922, "GEN") == TRUE
qc_on_target(AMR::as.mic(0.5), 25922, "GEN") == TRUE
Removes multiple slashes in a path or url
path |
character vector |
character vector of paths without duplicate slashes
Reverse complement of DNA string
dna |
DNA string |
reverse complement of DNA string
This function combines files into a train and test set, stored on disk. It can be used in combination with genomes_to_kmer_libsvm() to create a dataset that can be loaded into XGBoost (either by first creating an xgboost::DMatrix, or by using the data argument in xgboost::xgb.train() or xgboost::xgb.cv()). The following three files will be created:
train.txt - the training data
test.txt - the testing data (if split < 1)
names.csv - a csv file containing the original filenames and their corresponding type (train or test)
The function will check if the data is already in the appropriate format and will not overwrite unless forced using the overwrite argument.
By providing 1.0 to the split argument, the function can be used to combine files without a train-test split. In this case, all the files will be classed as 'train', and there will be no 'test' data. This is useful if one wants to perform cross-validation using xgboost::xgb.cv() or MIC::xgb.cv.lowmem(). It is also possible to combine all data into train and then perform splitting after loading into an xgboost::DMatrix, using xgboost::slice().
split_and_combine_files( path_to_files, file_ext = ".txt", split = 0.8, train_target_path = NULL, test_target_path = NULL, names_backup = NULL, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE )
split_and_combine_files( path_to_files, file_ext = ".txt", split = 0.8, train_target_path = NULL, test_target_path = NULL, names_backup = NULL, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE )
path_to_files |
path containing files or vector of filepaths |
file_ext |
file extension to filter |
split |
train-test split |
train_target_path |
name of train file to save as (by default, will be train.txt in the path_to_files directory) |
test_target_path |
name of test file to save as (by default, will be test.txt in the path_to_files directory) |
names_backup |
name of file to save backup of filename metadata (by default, will be names.csv in the path_to_files directory) |
shuffle |
randomise prior to splitting |
overwrite |
overwrite target files |
named list of paths to created train/test files, original filenames
set.seed(123) # create 10 random libsvm files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .txt files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.txt", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { # each line is K: V writeLines(paste0(i, ": ", paste0(sample(1:100, 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = " ")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".txt"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- split_and_combine_files( tmp_dir, file_ext = "txt", split = 0.8, train_target_path = file.path(tmp_dir, "train.txt"), test_target_path = file.path(tmp_dir, "test.txt"), names_backup = file.path(tmp_dir, "names.csv"), overwrite = TRUE) readLines(paths[["train"]])
set.seed(123) # create 10 random libsvm files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .txt files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.txt", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { # each line is K: V writeLines(paste0(i, ": ", paste0(sample(1:100, 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = " ")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".txt"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- split_and_combine_files( tmp_dir, file_ext = "txt", split = 0.8, train_target_path = file.path(tmp_dir, "train.txt"), test_target_path = file.path(tmp_dir, "test.txt"), names_backup = file.path(tmp_dir, "names.csv"), overwrite = TRUE) readLines(paths[["train"]])
Get str conversion of squeezed kmer using index
squeezed_index_to_str(x, k, starting_index = 1L)
squeezed_index_to_str(x, k, starting_index = 1L)
x |
integer vector of kmer indices |
k |
kmer length |
starting_index |
starting index (libsvm is usually indexed starting at 1) |
vector of squeezed kmer strings
squeezed_index_to_str(2, k = 3)
squeezed_index_to_str(2, k = 3)
Generates all permutations of squeezed kmers
squeezed_mers(k = 3L)
squeezed_mers(k = 3L)
k |
kmer length |
vector of squeezed kmers
MIC experiments are generally quality-controlled by including a control strain with a known MIC. The MIC result for the control strain should be a particular target MIC, or at least within an acceptable range. This function standardises a measured MIC to the target MIC given: 1) a control strain (usually identified as an ATCC or NCTC number), 2) an antibiotic name, and 3) a guideline (EUCAST or CLSI). The definition of standardisation in this context is to adjust the measured MIC based on the QC MIC. This is based on the following principles and assumption:
A measured MIC is composed of two components: the true MIC and a measurement error. The measurement error is considered to be inevitable when measuring MICs, and is likely to be further composed of variability in laboratory conditions and operator interpretation.
It is assumed that the MIC of the control strain in the experiment has also been affected by this error.
The standardisation applied by this function uses the measured QC strain MIC as a reference point, and scales the rest of the MICs to this reference. In general, this means that the MICs are doubled or halved, depending on the result of the QC MIC. A worked example is provided below and illustrates the transformation that this function applies.
There is no current evidence base for this approach, therefore, this function is considered experimental and should be used with caution.
standardise_mic( test_measurement, qc_measurement, strain, ab, prefer_upper = FALSE, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023", force = TRUE )
standardise_mic( test_measurement, qc_measurement, strain, ab, prefer_upper = FALSE, ignore_na = TRUE, guideline = "EUCAST", year = "2023", force = TRUE )
test_measurement |
Measured MIC to standardise |
qc_measurement |
Measured QC MIC to standardise to |
strain |
control strain identifier (usually ATCC) |
ab |
antibiotic name (will be coerced to AMR::as.ab) |
prefer_upper |
Where the target MIC is a range, prefer the upper value in the range |
ignore_na |
Ignore NA (returns AMR::NA_mic_) |
guideline |
Guideline to use (EUCAST or CLSI) |
year |
Guideline year (version) |
force |
Force into MIC-compatible format after standardisation |
AMR::mic vector
# Ref strain QC MIC for GEN is 0.5 standardise_mic( test_measurement = c(AMR::as.mic(">8.0"), # QC = 1, censored MIC remains censored AMR::as.mic(4.0), # QC = 0.5 which is on target, so stays same AMR::as.mic(2), # QC = 1, so scaled down to 1 AMR::as.mic(2)), # QC = 0.25, so scaled up to 8 qc_measurement = c(AMR::as.mic(1), AMR::as.mic(0.5), AMR::as.mic(1), AMR::as.mic(0.25)), strain = 25922, ab = AMR::as.ab("GEN"))
# Ref strain QC MIC for GEN is 0.5 standardise_mic( test_measurement = c(AMR::as.mic(">8.0"), # QC = 1, censored MIC remains censored AMR::as.mic(4.0), # QC = 0.5 which is on target, so stays same AMR::as.mic(2), # QC = 1, so scaled down to 1 AMR::as.mic(2)), # QC = 0.25, so scaled up to 8 qc_measurement = c(AMR::as.mic(1), AMR::as.mic(0.5), AMR::as.mic(1), AMR::as.mic(0.25)), strain = 25922, ab = AMR::as.ab("GEN"))
Summarise the results of an MIC validation generated using compare_mic().
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' summary(object, ...)
object |
S3 mic_validation object |
... |
further optional parameters |
S3 mic_validation_summary object
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) summary(val) # or, for more detailed results as.data.frame(summary(val))
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) summary(val) # or, for more detailed results as.data.frame(summary(val))
table(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: table(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' table( x, format = "flextable", fill_dilutions = TRUE, bold = TRUE, ea_color = NULL, gold_standard_name = "Gold Standard", test_name = "Test", ... )
table(x, ...) ## Default S3 method: table(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mic_validation' table( x, format = "flextable", fill_dilutions = TRUE, bold = TRUE, ea_color = NULL, gold_standard_name = "Gold Standard", test_name = "Test", ... )
x |
mic_validation S3 object |
... |
further arguments |
format |
simple or flextable |
fill_dilutions |
Fill dilutions that are not present in the data in order to match the y- and x- axes |
bold |
Bold cells where essential agreement is TRUE |
ea_color |
Background color for essential agreement cells |
gold_standard_name |
Name of the gold standard to display in output |
test_name |
Name of the test to display in output |
table or flextable object
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) table(val)
gold_standard <- c("<0.25", "8", "64", ">64") test <- c("<0.25", "2", "16", "64") val <- compare_mic(gold_standard, test) table(val)
Tidy PATRIC data
tidy_patric_meta_data( x, prefer_more_resistant = TRUE, as_ab = TRUE, filter_abx = NULL )
tidy_patric_meta_data( x, prefer_more_resistant = TRUE, as_ab = TRUE, filter_abx = NULL )
x |
PATRIC database loaded using MIC::load_patric_db |
prefer_more_resistant |
High MICs, narrow zones, or resistant phenotypes will be preferred where multiple reported for the same isolate |
as_ab |
convert antibiotics to AMR::ab class (column names are antibiotic codes) |
filter_abx |
filter antibiotics of interest, provided as a vector of antibiotics character names/codes, or ideally, as AMR::ab classes, created using AMR::as.ab |
Tidy data, with antimicrobials in wide format, column names describing methodology ("mic_", "disk_", "pheno_"). S3 class "tidy_patric_db".
db <- data.frame(genome_id = 1, genome_name = "E. coli", antibiotic = "amoxicillin", measurement = 2.0, measurement_unit = "mg/L", laboratory_typing_method = "Agar dilution", resistant_phenotype = "R") db <- load_patric_db(db) tidy_patric_meta_data(db)
db <- data.frame(genome_id = 1, genome_name = "E. coli", antibiotic = "amoxicillin", measurement = 2.0, measurement_unit = "mg/L", laboratory_typing_method = "Agar dilution", resistant_phenotype = "R") db <- load_patric_db(db) tidy_patric_meta_data(db)
Organise files into a train-test filesystem
train_test_filesystem( path_to_files, file_ext, split = 0.8, train_folder = "train", test_folder = "test", shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE )
train_test_filesystem( path_to_files, file_ext, split = 0.8, train_folder = "train", test_folder = "test", shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE )
path_to_files |
directory containing files |
file_ext |
file extension to filter |
split |
training data split |
train_folder |
name of training folder (subdirectory), will be created if does not exist |
test_folder |
name of testing folder (subdirectory), will be created if does not exist |
shuffle |
randomise files when splitting (if FALSE, files will be sorted by filename prior to splitting) |
overwrite |
force overwrite of files that already exist |
named vector of train and test directories
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- train_test_filesystem(tmp_dir, file_ext = "fna", split = 0.8, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) list.files(paths[["train"]]) list.files(paths[["test"]])
set.seed(123) # create 10 random DNA files tmp_dir <- tempdir() # remove any existing .fna files file.remove( list.files(tmp_dir, pattern = "*.fna", full.names = TRUE) ) for (i in 1:10) { writeLines(paste0(">", i, "\n", paste0(sample(c("A", "T", "C", "G"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), file.path(tmp_dir, paste0(i, ".fna"))) } # split files into train and test directories paths <- train_test_filesystem(tmp_dir, file_ext = "fna", split = 0.8, shuffle = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE) list.files(paths[["train"]]) list.files(paths[["test"]])
Get str conversion of unsqueezed kmer using index
unsqueezed_index_to_str(x, k, starting_index = 1L)
unsqueezed_index_to_str(x, k, starting_index = 1L)
x |
integer vector of kmer indices |
k |
kmer length |
starting_index |
starting index (libsvm is usually indexed starting at 1) |
vector of unsqueezed kmer strings
unsqueezed_index_to_str(2, k = 3)
unsqueezed_index_to_str(2, k = 3)
Generates all permutations of unsqueezed kmers
unsqueezed_mers(k = 3L)
unsqueezed_mers(k = 3L)
k |
kmer length |
vector of unsqueezed kmers
This function performs similar operations to xgboost::xgb.cv, but with the operations performed in a memory efficient manner. Unlike xgboost::xgb.cv, this version does not load all folds into memory from the start. Rather it loads each fold into memory sequentially, and trains trains each fold using xgboost::xgb.train. This allows larger datasets to be cross-validated.
The main disadvantage of this function is that it is not possible to perform early stopping based the results of all folds. The function does accept an early stopping argument, but this is applied to each fold separately. This means that different folds can (and should be expected to) train for a different number of rounds.
This function also allows for a train-test split (as opposed to multiple) folds. This is done by providing a value of less than 1 to nfold, or a list of 1 fold to folds. This is not possible with xgboost::xgb.cv, but can be desirable if there is downstream processing that depends on an xgb.cv.synchromous object (which is the return object of both this function and xgboost::xgb.cv).
Otherwise, where possible this function tries to return the same data structure as xgboost::xgb.cv, with the exception of callbacks (not supported as a field within the return object). To save models, use the save_models argument, rather than the cb.cv.predict(save_models = TRUE) callback.
xgb.cv.lowmem( params = list(), data, nrounds, nfold, label = NULL, missing = NA, prediction = FALSE, metrics = list(), obj = NULL, feval = NULL, stratified = TRUE, folds = NULL, train_folds = NULL, verbose = 1, print_every_n = 1L, early_stopping_rounds = NULL, maximize = NULL, save_models = FALSE, ... )
xgb.cv.lowmem( params = list(), data, nrounds, nfold, label = NULL, missing = NA, prediction = FALSE, metrics = list(), obj = NULL, feval = NULL, stratified = TRUE, folds = NULL, train_folds = NULL, verbose = 1, print_every_n = 1L, early_stopping_rounds = NULL, maximize = NULL, save_models = FALSE, ... )
params |
parameters for xgboost |
data |
DMatrix or matrix |
nrounds |
number of training rounds |
nfold |
number of folds, or if < 1 then the proportion will be used as the training split in a train-test split |
label |
data labels (alternatively provide with DMatrix) |
missing |
handling of missing data (see xgb.cv) |
prediction |
return predictions |
metrics |
evaluation metrics |
obj |
custom objective function |
feval |
custom evaluation function |
stratified |
whether to use stratified folds |
folds |
custom folds |
train_folds |
custom train folds |
verbose |
verbosity level |
print_every_n |
print every n iterations |
early_stopping_rounds |
early stopping rounds (applied to each fold) |
maximize |
whether to maximize the evaluation metric |
save_models |
whether to save the models |
... |
additional arguments passed to xgb.train |
xgb.cv.synchronous object
train <- list(data = matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 2), label = rbinom(10, 1, 0.5)) dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(train$data, label = train$label, nthread = 1) cv <- xgb.cv.lowmem(data = dtrain, params = list(objective = "binary:logistic"), nrounds = 2, nfold = 3, prediction = TRUE, nthread = 1) cv
train <- list(data = matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 2), label = rbinom(10, 1, 0.5)) dtrain <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(train$data, label = train$label, nthread = 1) cv <- xgb.cv.lowmem(data = dtrain, params = list(objective = "binary:logistic"), nrounds = 2, nfold = 3, prediction = TRUE, nthread = 1) cv